Let the Flow of Clear Water Data Transform Your Portfolio
We envision a more sustainable affordable housing market, where both affordable developers and communities can thrive through improved water efficiency. Our revolutionary water optimization platform changes the game for affordable developers allowing them to harness real-time water data to reduce costs and add value to their properties.
Our platform improves water efficiencies by identifying and analyzing unit-level water events, pinpointing malfunctions and generating automated work orders to stop water loss quickly. The platform is proven to reduce monthly consumption and water bills by as much as 70% compared to industry averages.

The ION Difference
Our platform generates data that is 20,000 times more granular than a typical billing meter.
This enables ION to identify leaks efficiently and accurately, and generate automated work orders that allow maintenance teams to act swiftly. Because of this efficiency, ION’s customers are maintaining water consumption below 45 gallons per bedroom per day. In comparison, typical affordable multi-unit properties average over 100 gallons per bedroom per day.

30 x 30 Campaign
Water scarcity and the affordable housing shortage continue to impact millions of people nationwide. To address these challenges, ION is working to reduce water consumption in affordable housing by 30% by 2030.
Through increased education and industry collaboration, we can make our vision a reality. We invite you to take our 30 by 30 Pledge to show your commitment to improving affordable housing communities and the planet.

What Does Water Positive Mean?
ION’s mission is to reduce wasted water and help repurpose savings to benefit affordable communities.
Water is one of our most precious resources, yet the affordable housing industry wastes over 200B gallons of water a year, costing $3B annually. Many affordable developers and owners are taking meaningful steps to end this waste and become water positive, a term used to describe a corporation that is making more water available than it consumes. Our platform is helping affordable developers to become water positive by dramatically reducing water waste.

Gallons Conserved
Dollars Saved
CO2e Avoided

Building a Water Positive World