ION Launches New Brand Identity
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — June 19, 2023 — ION today announced that it is launching a new brand identity. The company has changed its name from ION Energy Solutions to ION and developed a new logo and tagline. ION’s new tagline, “Building a Water Positive World,” reflects its mission of preserving affordable housing through water conservation while helping to eliminate as much water waste from the world as possible.
“Water is one of our most precious resources yet most affordable properties waste millions of gallons a year through leaks,” said Jack Howell, ION Founder and CEO. “We help our customers optimize water consumption to cut costs dramatically and add value to their portfolios. Our new brand more clearly conveys this value to our customers and prospects and speaks to our long-term aspirations.”
ION’s new logo is a chevron made from clean blue dots with a single red dot at the point. The clean blue dots represent units within an affordable housing property consuming water. The red dot depicts a leak pinpointed by ION’s platform. The Chevron is pointing to the future, representing ION’s pursuit of building a water positive world.
ION has launched a new website with detailed case studies and a return on investment (ROI) calculator. The calculator allows affordable developers to see how ION’s platform can impact their portfolios. The calculator demonstrates financial benefits, including cost savings and valuation impact, and sustainability benefits.
“From net operating income to ESG reporting, our website makes it easier for people to see how our platform can impact their portfolios,” Howell said. “We are helping our clients consume less than 45 gallons of water per bedroom per day. The industry averages 100. Website visitors can now easily see how a dramatic reduction in water consumption can impact the value of their properties in different ways.”
ION’s water optimization platform improves water efficiencies by identifying and analyzing unit-level water events, pinpointing malfunctions, and generating automated work orders to stop water loss before it impacts a property’s operating income. ION can help reduce water consumption and monthly water bills by as much as 70%.
For more information about ION, visit www.ionwater.io.
About ION
ION enables affordable owners and developers to conserve water and reduce expenses by providing actionable water data. Its water optimization platform helps clients reduce water consumption and costs by as much as 70% compared to industry averages. Developers can reinvest savings into properties to improve residents’ quality of life, and lower and more reliable utility costs can dramatically improve net operating income (NOI). For more information, visit www.ionwater.io.
Media Contact:
Matt Serra
Mulberry Marketing Communications